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Special Economic Zones as Engines for the Sustainable Development Goals (WIF 2021)
Special Economic Zones in Africa - in Partnership with GIZ (WIF 2021)
Let's Talk SEZs: Special Economic Zones and the environment: Green zones are a competitive advantage
The Special Economic Zones as an instrument to reach the ONU Agenda 2030 Sustainable Goals.23/09
Understanding Special Economic Zones (SEZ)
Sustainable cities and communities | André Corrêa d'Almeida at PWG 2020
Let's Talk SEZs Special Economic Zones and Climate Change - SEZs as climate resilient nodes.
SOCAP21 - Spurring Catalytic Capital Investment to Advance the Sustainable Development Goals
Ministerial Roundtable on Investment for Sustainable Development (WIF 2021)
Launch of the Global Alliance of Special Economic Zones (GASEZ) Official Launch
Let's Talk Special Economic Zones: Investing in special economic zones
Transport and Sustainable Development Goals